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Red Flag Alert aiming to help businesses protect against Cyber Threat

Red Flag Alert aiming to help businesses protect themselves against C
Oct 25, 2016 Red Flag Alert Updated On: October 9, 2023

Business owners are concerned by the lack of cohesive messages in cyber and cyber security.

Few business owners are even aware of Cyber Essentials, the government supported scheme setup to help businesses with their cyber security. It is circumstances such as these which have led to the development of Red Flag Alert’s new Cyber Security Services.

In developing the new product, Red Flag Alert Partner Mark Halstead took expert advice and guidance to ensure the result delivers valuable, advisor-led service for our customers. He says:

“I meet many different professionals, businesses and their owners on daily basis, and the one word that baffles them all is “cyber”. What’s more, many are aware that their children now know more about these things than they do. I even know one 14-year-old who is the IT consultant for his father’s business.

Whilst working on the new Red Flag Alert Cyber Security product, due to launch in 2017 I have worked with three exceptional people. Each share some of their wisdom below and each offers their own distinct advisory services. Any of our customers seeking advice on Cyber Security, ISO 27001 or better and more advanced training for their staff can be put in direct contact within our expert advisors, simply by calling Red Flag directly.

I look forward to launching our own Cyber Security Services in 2017. We have put together a simple advisor lead proposition that will put the business owner back in control by raising awareness and supporting them as they secure the digital future of their business.”

Below are the thoughts and guidance of our security experts, detailing exactly how Red Flag Alert is an advocate for your security and how our services are designed to ensure business owners feel confident and in control when it comes to cyber.

Ben Swindlehurst – Translate Cyber Problems into Plain Language
While technology is undoubtedly one of the biggest assets for modern businesses across all sectors - enabling SMEs to punch above their weight - with technical innovation comes added risk. From hackers holding data to ransom, to the theft of customer information, to disgruntled employees or former employees, small businesses are less likely to be well protected and is an easy target for cybercriminals. A cyber-attack can damage a business’s reputation and cause severe and costly damage to IT systems.

Business owners must tackle the problem and begin to work with right provider who can translate these issues into a language everyone understands. At Red Flag, we do just that and work with you in identifying your weaknesses and mitigating accordingly.

Ian Hudson – Nudge your Business Towards ISO27001 Certification
When your business is as important enough to seek certification against ISO standards, it helps to have someone there to ensure you are well prepared, well-resourced and well informed. Running an Information Security Management System (ISMS) certified to ISO 27001 can be simpler than one might perceive; but a helping hand to guide and assist in the changes required may be very welcome. It can be instrumental in helping you continue to run your business or your department, knowing that implementation expertise is alongside you, supporting and nudging your business towards certification.

We help businesses achieve certification by working with your existing systems, filling the gaps, and helping you improve efficiency. Certification brings an array of benefits, including confidence in your own management system.

Nick Atkinson – Cyber Awareness from the Ground Up
Cyber-attacks now cost the global economy £1 trillion and is now widely recognised as the world’s fastest growing crime. Combined with the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that takes effect in April 2018 businesses can no longer adopt the head in the sand approach to cyber-security. GDPR will impose fines of up to £20 million or 4% of global turnover upon those organisations that suffer a data breach or cyber-attack that compromises confidential client information.

Inteltrain have identified that over 90% of cyber-attacks are directly linked to staff / user error or a lack of user awareness and training.

These alarming statistics have pushed Red Flag - Inteltrain to develop the UK’s only one-day, nationally accredited training programme aimed at changing the current culture and ensuring staff are deemed to be cyber-aware from the ground up. An organisation is only as strong as its weakest link and for cyber criminals this is perceived to be an organisation’s staff base.

The Level 2 Cyber Security For Business qualification and associated “CYBER STARS” initiative provide continued ongoing access to additional learning and development materials via a growing online community and learning portal.

The evidence is clear, cyber-crime and therefore cyber security cannot be ignored by any professional business. We have committed to the launch of our own dedicated Cyber Security Services in 2017 to support our existing offering and cannot wait to share them with you.


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