To make intelligent credit risk decisions you need business credit reports that give a complete picture of a business's financial health. Speak with one of our experts for a free review of your top 5 clients and see for yourself how Red Flag Alert protects your revenue and lets you do smarter, more profitable business.
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Red Flag Alert company credit reports provide rich financial information alongside our market-leading business credit score that shows you:
Reduce Credit Risk Today
Perform powerful credit referencing with Red Flag Alert business credit reports.
Our reports are available for all UK businesses and provide all the information you need to do safer and smarter business. Credit scores are an invaluable tool but do not provide all the context required to fully understand the financial position of a company.
Our business credit reports contain all the information you need to fully understand a company's financial position and its likelihood to grow or fail.
UK's most accurate insolvency score and credit monitoring companies that feature live data feeds, UK-first CCJ information, and direct feeds from the UK courts.
“Allows us to evaluate our customers credit score – particularly given the energy crisis... there has been a lot of value-added solutions they’ve brought to our sector. We want to make sure our customers are around in the next 2/3 years because our business projects itself on renewals.”
Exchange Utility
View Our Case StudiesUnderstanding the financial health of potential customers enables you to make informed credit decisions and control your company’s risk exposure.
Our platform is straightforward and easy-to-use, allowing small to medium businesses and large enterprises to conduct KYB compliance checks, giving you an in-depth understanding of who you are dealing with, This allows you to make informed decisions in real time.
Red Flag Alert International Reports allow you to quickly and accurately credit check and perform due diligence on companies from around the globe, with real-time updates.
Easily stay on top of your debtor, suppliers, and prospects and act ahead of the market with our inbox friendly customizable monitoring tool.
Complete Company Credit checks directly from your CRM with the Red Flag Alert integration.
For our quickest response simply call us on 0808 503 4336 and speak to an expert now!
Request your free trial today and see how your organisation can benefit from using the Red Flag Alert business intelligence tool.