UK Director Search

Red Flag Alert offer detailed director checks for businesses in a range of financial sectors who need fast access to real-time UK director information.

Growth Score — Identify companies that are growing by +20% over the next 3-4 years

Offering enriched data and up-to-date insights, RFA are trusted by 1000+ small business and industry leaders

Director Reports

Our company director searches include data from a range of sources to give you the whole picture, helping to identify current directors and changes in key appointments, as well as deep dive into the business interests of individual directors.

Understand any risk associated with the people you do business with. Search directors to access detailed Director reports, revealing the performance of all an individual's companies.


Real-Time Data

Our data is always updated in real-time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means you can stay alerted to any changes as they happen.


Identify Ultimate Beneficial Ownership

Our platform can help you find ultimate beneficial owners too, and the links they have with company directors so you have a full understanding of the relationships between different parties. 


View Global Corporate Linkage

Understand whether directors are involved in multiple companies, and where these are based. Drill-down to discover key financial information and insolvency risk of the companies a director is involved in.


GDPR Compliant Data

All our data is GDPR compliant, and pulled from multiple, trusted data sources.


Exceptional Customer Support

Our dedicated customer success team are on-hand to answer any queries you may have, and to get the most out of our data intelligence.


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Director Search

Understand the key figures behind any business

Red Flag Alert’s Director Search offers powerful insights into any UK company director, and their detailed history, to elevate and enhance your due diligence activities.  

Designed to streamline your KYB process, the Director Search tool equips you with the data you need to make informed decisions with confidence. 

Search using names, country, postcodes, and date of birth ranges to access vital information about any company director in seconds.  

Our in-depth tool includes data from a wide range of sources including the UK electoral roll, international PEPs, international passports ID cards, and biometric facial matching in real-time to ensure you get the best information available at all times.

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Listen to how we have helped our customers

We love working closely with all our customers, helping them integrate and use data in their businesses. Hear what some of them say.

“We were looking for a partner to enhance the data offering to our clients, and Red Flag Alert have done just that. They understood our business, our culture, and our aspirations for the future. We’ve seen some great feedback on our integration, and we are very happy with both the solution and team at Red Flag Alert.”

Rob Mead

Strategic Software Projects Director

“RFA scored highly... all in one solution, trust in the quality of the information, projections (about firms) and ability to see those things ahead of time. Looking for a firm that would do biometric AML and KYC and link into Salesforce. ”


Divide Buy

“Allows us to evaluate our customers credit score – particularly given the energy crisis... there has been a lot of value-added solutions they’ve brought to our sector. We want to make sure our customers are around in the next 2/3 years because our business projects itself on renewals.”


Exchange Ultility

See how powerful director due diligence can be with a free demo of our platform

Often due diligence processes neglect to take into account that the businesses they are investigating are run by real people, who may or may not be trustworthy.

Build a robust director due diligence process with Red Flag Alert, not just to avoid bad actors but to find the companies run by those with histories of success.

  • Search any individual for past and current directorships or positions of significant control
  • Understand a director's past business performance with our in-depth reports
  • Check individual's against the insolvency register in real time
  • Create better and safer credit risk processes by understanding the people you are doing business with

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Free Company Report

Just looking for a Company Snapshot?

Enter a company name and click Free Report to see:

  • Credit Rating
  • Accounts
  • Key Financials
  • Key Contacts