
Global Identity Verification (IDV) and KYC

Identify and verify new clients, increase efficiency and reduce client onboarding time with our rapid ID verification solution.

  • Global Identity Verification
  • Document Verification
  • Customer KYC
  • Biometric Authentication
  • Streamline Customer Onboarding 
  • Perpetual KYC Monitoring
  • 99.5% Match Rate
  • Full Audit Trail

Meet your KYC and AML compliance obligations, increase efficiency while creating a seamless process for clients in one easy-to-use identity verification service. 

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End-to-End AML Solution

We provide a complete solution for your business that will reduce your referral rate, make your processes more efficient and improve your customer onboarding journey.

  • KYC and AML 
  • Customer KYC
  • Identity Verification (IDV)
  • Document Verification 
  • Adverse Media checks
  • KYC Crypto


Advanced biometric technology and multi-bureau analysis maximises your match rates and reduces the time to onboard customers.

We always offer a full audit trail ensuring you remain compliant with all regulations, built directly  into your CRM system, allowing your staff to send checks directly form customer records.

AML Monitoring

98% Pass rate

Paperless audit trail

16,000 ID Types

Trusted by1000+ professional
SME & Enterprise busineses, including:

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From Our Customers

KYC Crypto

'Our partnership with Red Flag Alert demonstrates our commitment to operate within regulatory parameters but at the same time enable the masses to transact with cryptocurrency in an increasingly secure environment.

Our intention is to surpass the security levels provided by the current online banking security systems, utilizing technology beyond mere encryption such as zero proof technology.’

Rob Foster

Paragon Crypto

aml laptop

Try our AML Checker tool for free!

Red Flag Alert’s AML checks allow firms to monitor for suspicious behaviour without disrupting their everyday commercial activities.