What alerts can be monitored in an international portfolio?

A list of the alerts that can be monitored in an international portfolio and an explanation of what they mean.

From within an international portfolio, you can navigate to 'edit portfolio' and toggle on and off which alerts you'd like to be immediate, as well as see all possible events you could be alerted of.

international alertsLet's look into what each of these alerts means:

ACCOUNTS ADDED - Financial accounts have been added.

BUSINESS ADDRESS AMENDED - Change in the registered office address of business.

CREDIT LIMIT CHANGED 20 POINTS - The credit limit has changed by 20%.

CREDIT LIMIT DECREASED - The company's credit limit has decreased.

CREDIT LIMIT INCREASED - The company's credit limit has increased.

CREDIT SCORE CHANGE 20 POINTS - The company's credit score has changed by 20 points.

CREDIT SCORE DECREASE - The company's credit score has decreased.

CREDIT SCORE INCREASE - The company's credit score has increased.

OFFICER ADDED - A new officer has been added.

OFFICER RESIGNED - An officer has officially resigned from their position.

REG ADDRESS CHANGE - The business's registered address (Head Office) has been officially changed.

SHAREHOLDER ADDED - A new shareholder has been added to the business.